Burgess-Peterson Academy implements the Social Emotional Learning program, an Atlanta Public Schools district-wide initiative

Through a comprehensive focus on SEL, Atlanta Public Schools is committed to the social, emotional, and academic development of students by connecting "hearts and smarts" as part of a systemic whole child framework. APS also recognizes that building the capacity of adults to model SEL skills is at the core of teacher and leader excellence. APS uses the CASEL framework to inform its SEL programming in alignment with the district's strategic plan.
CASEL defines SEL as the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions (CASEL, 2020).
Social Emotional Learning supports the academic and life-readiness success of children. Integrated into the daily schedule, all students receive SEL utilizing the Second STEP Curriculum. All Counseling Classroom Instruction will support the SEL theme and competency of the corresponding month.
SEL Books of the Month
APS SEL selects a book each month that is presented to all students across the entire District. The Book of the Month provides the anchor for discussion and activities in daily SEL lessons and in Counseling Instruction.
Click to view 2024-25 SEL Books of the Month
SEL Lesson Plans
Although APS mandates that all students receive 60 minutes of SEL instruction weekly, BPA prioritizes explicit SEL instruction at the beginning of the day in every classroom totaling at least 75 minutes weekly. The District SEL department provides weekly lesson plans for teachers to implement in their SEL block daily.